"On The Fly Printing" for MS® Access 97 Demonstration Read Me File INTRODUCTION ============ "On the Fly Printing" for Access 97 is a Visual Basic Code Module which provides extended printing functionality for Users and Developer's of Access Applictions. It allows users to dynamically select a printer and printer settings when printing an Access report from any local or network printer including fax printers. The functions can be called from either a macro or from Visual Basic code. Making "On the Fly Printing" accessable for both Access users and developers of all knowledge levels from beginners to advanced developer's. USE ==== To test out the "On the Fly Printing" modules for Access 97 (v8), and how they can enhance your database appliction, copy the print81.mdb, printer.cnt and printer.hlp file to any directory and open with Access 97 (v8). Ordering information is contained in the helpfile. Updates are posted periodically to: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/attac-cg/acgsoft.htm Copyright © 1995-97, All Rigths Reserved. ATTAC Consulting Group, Ann Arbor, MI USA LICENSE AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRENTY ================================== NOTICE: This Software is provided for demonstration purposes only. You are licensed to install it on any computer under the following conditions: (i) You agree and accept the terms of this license. (ii) You shall not redistribute this Software to third parties. (iii) you may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software This Software is provided "As Is" without warrenty of any kind. ATTAC Consulting Group expressly disclaims any warrenty regarding merchantablity, performance or usability for any purpose or use. ATTAC Consulting Group disclaims all liability for any damages, or loss real, consequential or otherwise from use of this Software.